
Recognized by : JPA / MMC / MDC / MPB / MVC / World Body / UNESCO

Indonesia, the largest archipelago country in the world is located in Southeast Asia and is a Malaysian neighbouring country. Indonesia is a popular destination among aspiring Malaysian students to pursue their tertiary education especially in the field of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Veterinary Science.

  •  Indonesian Public Universities are well equipped with world class facilities.
  •  Affordable tuition fees and low cost of living.
  •  Minimal adaptation in terms of climate, food and culture.
  • Little or almost no language barrier.
  • Close to home.
  •  Extensive practical and clinical experiences as Indonesian Government Hospitals have a high number of in house and out patients.
  •  Intake : AUGUST

Indonesian Public Universities requires all students to sit and pass an entrance exam to gain admission into their respective universities. KLC provides assistance for entrance exams preparation.

Qualification: FIS / STPM / Matriculation / A-Level /+2 or Equivalent


Faculty of medicine

As the oldest and one of the best fields of education at Universitas Sumatera Utara, the Undergraduate Program in Medicine has long participated in delivering and bringing forth great doctors throughout Indonesia. This program consists of highly qualified individuals dedicated to providing the best quality of education and clinical experience in medical science to support our students to become competent future doctors and medical professionals in the domestic and international scope. The Faculty of Medicine has proven itself with the award achieved in 2022 as the 11th best Faculty of Medicine in Asia. Through the Medicine Professional Study Program, the best team of individuals is ready to fully commit to delivering the next generation of doctors in Indonesia.

Duration : 5 ½ Years, Recognized by: World Health Organization (WHO), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), and Malaysia Medical Council (MMC).

Faculty Of Dentistry

As the oldest dental science institution in North Sumatra, the Faculty of Dentistry of Universitas Sumatera Utara has produced thousands of competent dentist graduates . Achieving the 7th best Faculty of Dentistry in Indonesia, the Faculty of Dentistry consists of 1 undergraduate program, 1 master's program, 1 doctoral program, 1 professional program, and 4 specialist programs, each with good accreditation. The Faculty of Dentistry focuses on a group of sciences focusing on human oral health, from the tooth and mouth area, to how to handle and treat.
The Faculty of Dentistry provides education for students who have an interest in becoming part of the dental health sector. Managed by a group of the best individuals in the dental and oral field with the support of adequate facilities and an integrated curriculum dedicated to delivering our students to become dentists who are competent in their areas.

Duration : 5 ½ Years, Recognized by: World Health Organization (WHO), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), and Malaysia Dental Council (MDC).

Faculty of Pharmacy

As the 11th faculty established at Universitas Sumatera Utara, the Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) was established in 2006 and is the only public educational institution in the field of pharmacy in the province of North Sumatra. The Faculty of Pharmacy conducts four pharmaceutical education programs: the Undergraduate Program in Pharmacy (PSSF), the Pharmacist Profession Education (PSPA), the Master's Program in Pharmaceutical Science (PSMIF), and the Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Science (PSDIF).
The USU Faculty of Pharmacy is supported by qualified and competent lecturers and academic staff, facilitated by facilities and infrastructure in adequate quantity and quality, and advanced laboratories and equipment. Graduates of the USU Faculty of Pharmacy have the opportunity to work in various fields, including industry (food, beverages, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals), community services (pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, health centers, forensics, and health laboratories), government agencies, educators, researchers, and entrepreneurs in the health sector.

Study Duration : 4 Years, Recognized by: World Health Organization (WHO), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), and Malaysia Pharmaceutical Board (MPB).


The Medical Study Program is the pioneer of medical education in Surabaya that offers undergraduate and professional programs. It was established in 1851 under the name "Sekolah Dokter DJawa" (School of Javanese Doctors). The Medical Study Program are accredited by the Indonesian Independent Accreditation Institute for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes) and recognized by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) in 2018 with an excellent rating (A). The Medical Study Program and the Professional Doctor Education Study Program also received ASIIN certification in 2020.

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga (FK UNAIR) is the 2nd oldest Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia. Currently, FK UNAIR is 108 years old since it was founded as Nederlandsch-Indische Artsen School (NIAS) in 1913. FK UNAIR has started a long journey to transform knowledge in medical science and devote knowledge to improve the welfare of the nation, society, and humanity.

In addition to improving the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and managerial governance, FK UNAIR also strengthens cooperation networks with various parties both at home and abroad. FK UNAIR has had 77 Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with national institutions and 29 MoUs with international institutions from Asia, Europe, Africa, America, and Australia. This collaboration is fostered through the exchange of lecturers and students, research collaborations, and opportunities to continue higher education for the academic community of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga.

  • Veterinary practice, whether in big city or rural as Independent Veterinary.
  • Researcher, consultant and lecturer in various government institution and private.
  • Civil Government Employees, in various government institution, whether in central or local.
  • Private enterprises, especially that in livestock production that related to livestock products process, and food and beverages companies.
  • Entrepreneur in livestock agribusiness, that related to input production industries, and products in various livestock commodities.
  • Police and Army.
  • Non-Government Organization (NGO) that related to profession and society empowerment.

Duration : 5 ½ Years,Recognized by: World Health Organization (WHO), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), and Malaysia Medical Council (MMC).

Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) UNAIR was initially a Higher Education of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga which was established in 1963. FF UNAIR holds a quality policy to create competent and excellent graduates in pharmaceutical field who are able to compete nationally and internationally. This faculty has 2 departments and 5 study programs: 1 undergraduate program, 2 master's programs, 1 doctoral program and 1 professional program. To improve the quality of the graduates, FF UNAIR has partnership with both national and international organizations and institutions, and among them is J99 Corp.

Study Duration : 4 Years ,Recognized by: World Health Organization (WHO), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), and Malaysia Pharmaceutical Board (MPB).

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga is the fourth oldest faculty in this university established in 1962. The education system of this faculty is assured under the Airlangga Integrated Management System (AIMS) and follows the standard of ISO 9001:2015, MBNQA 2015-2016, IWA2:2007. FKH is also certified and accredited by ASIIN, AUN, and KAN as well as FAO certification for several of its laboratories. FKH has 1 department and 7 study programs: 1 undergraduate program, 4 master's degree programs, 1 doctoral program and 1 professional program. FKH owns and runs the biggest animal hospital in Indonesia to support the students' learning process.

Study Duration : 4 Years + 1 year of Housemanship, Recognized by: World Health Organization (WHO), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), and Malaysia Veterinary Council (MVC).

Institite Partanian Bogor, BOGOR

Faculty with 18.000-meter square area and equipped with widest animal hospital in South East Asia. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of IPB University (FKH-IPB) supporting undergraduate, profession, postgraduate, and continuing education program in various branches of veterinary medicine. Curriculum of undergraduate and profession using a curriculum based on competency that arranged and set nationally by FKH Indonesia and Indonesia Veterinary Association (PDHI). Curriculum of FKH IPB also designed corresponding to National Competency Framework Indonesia fulfilling the appropriateness for FKH IPB graduate to work and continuing study abroad.
Employment for veterinary medicine graduate and veterinary is very diverse. This employment will broaden along with economic growth and the lifestyle advancement of society. Currently FKH IPB graduate worked in several fields, among them:

Study Duration : 4 Years + 1 year of Housemanship ,Recognized by: World Health Organization (WHO), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), and Malaysia Veterinary Council (MVC).


Universitas Brawijaya is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 60,000 students in various vocational, bachelor, master, doctoral, professional, and medical specialist programs. This year, there is a systematically organized international elective program called 'Praline Globe' initiative. In its inaugural year, this international elective program involves the participation of 10 selected students, spanning four target universities: Mahidol University in Thailand, the University of Tokyo and Miyazaki University in Japan, and National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taiwan. The enthusiasm among students to partake in this program is exceptionally high. The program has also become a flagship initiative for FKUB, providing students with greater opportunities to nurture their interests and talents in alignment with their envisioned career development in the future.

Visiting professor

Bachelor of Medicine Study Program (PSSKED), Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, always plays an active role by improving the quality of education and academic services. One of the activities aimed at improving the quality of education is by inviting professors from several foreign universities for various academic activities involving students and lecturers. Routine visiting professor activities are divided into several events. There are 41 visiting professor activities that have been carried out, including by professors from Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Italy and the Netherlands. Visiting professor activities are useful for improving the quality of education and increasing the ability of international academic relationship.

Duration : 5 ½ Years,Recognized by: World Health Organization (WHO), Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), and Malaysia Medical Council (MMC).

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KLC Student Placement has successfully placed more than 25,000 students in reputable universities abroad. Most of them have graduated and are practicing in their respective field of study worldwide.

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