KLC Student Placement (KLC) is registered with the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. Since its establishment, KLC with its team of highly qualified and dedicated counselors have been providing competent and professional student consultancy and placement services.

Over the past 25 years, KLC has successfully emerged as the most prominent, trustworthy and favored one-stop centre for higher education amongst Malaysian students.


"Empowering global learners to achieve academic excellence and professional success by connecting them with premier institutions worldwide, fostering a community of future leaders in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, engineering, and information technology."

At KLC We don't create ordinary graduates- We create extraordinary Professionals


“At KLC Student Placement, our mission is to guide and support aspiring students in navigating their educational journey, providing tailored placements to esteemed international institutions. We strive to facilitate seamless transitions, ensuring access to top-notch academic programs while nurturing a culturally diverse environment that fosters growth, innovation, and global citizenship.”

Why KLC?

KLC is the pioneer in the field of student placement with more than 25 years of experience. KLC has successfully placed more than 25,000 students in reputable universities abroad. Most of them have graduated and are practicing in their respective field of study worldwide.

KLC has far-reaching collaboration with reputable educational institutions worldwide, in countries such as India, Russia, China, USA, UK, Indonesia, Philippines, Poland, Germany, Singapore, Bangladesh and Australia.

KLC is the pioneer in the field of student placement with more than 25 years of experience. KLC has successfully placed more than 25,000 students in reputable universities abroad. Most of them have graduated and are practicing in their respective field of study worldwide. KLC has far-reaching collaboration with reputable educational institutions worldwide, in countries such as India, Russia, China, USA, UK, Indonesia, Philippines, Poland, Germany, Singapore, Bangladesh and Australia.

KLC works closely with various government authorities such as the Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Department. We also engage with the Malaysian and foreign embassies to ensure the welfare of KLC students.KLC engages foreign staffs and university personnel in every university to take care of the welfare and needs of the students during their entire stay in the respective countries.

KLC assist in arrangements of flight tickets, hostels, visa and personally accompanies the students abroad. KLC assist students to obtain the Non-Objection Certificate (NOC) and Clearance Letter from Ministry of Higher Education. KLC creates a platform for “study & work abroad” programmes which creates job opportunities upon completion of studies.

Financial Assistance

  • Scholarship by KLC Foundation
  •  Employees Provident Fund (EPF) withdrawal from -Account II
  •  Various Yayasan – Yayasan Negeri
  •  The Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED)
  • Tan Sri Manikavasagam Fund
  • National Land Finance Cooperative Society (NLFCS)
  • Cooperative Loans
  •  AMMA Association
  •  Local Bank Loans
  • JPA and Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Loans available from 2nd Year onwards.
  •  Koperasi Jati Diri (KOJADI)

Why KLC ?

KLC Student Placement has successfully placed more than 25,000 students in reputable universities abroad. Most of them have graduated and are practicing in their respective field of study worldwide.

Feel Free To Enquire About Any Question You Got.